チューター・ペリーニ株式の評価は"保留"に格下げされたが,一部のアナリストは"バイ"評価を維持していた. Tutor Perini's stock rating was downgraded to "hold," despite some analysts maintaining "buy" ratings.
StockNews.comはTutor Periniの株価を"買い"から"保有"に格下げし,UBSグループやB. Rileyなどの他のアナリストはそれぞれ39.00ドルと40.00ドルの価格目標で"買い"の格付けを維持している. StockNews.com downgraded Tutor Perini's stock from "buy" to "hold," while other analysts like UBS Group and B. Riley maintain "buy" ratings with price targets of $39.00 and $40.00, respectively. 最近の施設購入にかかわらず,チューター・ペリーニのCEOと監督は株式を売却した. Despite recent institutional buys, Tutor Perini's CEO and director have sold shares. 同社は最近,毎株1.92ドルで負の利益を報告し,0.03ドルで推定値が欠落し,四半期売上高は108億ドルでした. The company recently reported negative earnings of ($1.92) per share, missing estimates by ($0.03), with $1.08 billion in quarterly revenue.