Anergeaはアップルデバイス用のQi2認証無線充電器を導入し,速度と効率を向上させる. Energea introduces new Qi2-certified wireless chargers for Apple devices, enhancing speed and efficiency.
Energeaは,MagTrio Plus, MagDuo, MagPac Pro+など,Qi2-centeredの無線充電装置の新ラインを始動した. Energea has launched a new lineup of Qi2-certified wireless chargers including the MagTrio Plus, MagDuo, and MagPac Pro+. アップル製品用に設計されたこれらの装置は,以前のQi標準より速度と効率を向上させる. These devices, designed for Apple products, offer improved speed and efficiency over previous Qi standards. MagTrio Plusは3インチ時計モジュール付きの充電器で,MagDuoはキックスタンド付きのコンパクト2-in-1の充電器で,MagPac Pro+は電鉄と無線充電機能を持つパワーバンクである. The MagTrio Plus is a 3-in-1 charger with a sliding watch module, the MagDuo is a compact 2-in-1 charger with a kickstand, and the MagPac Pro+ is a power bank with both wired and wireless charging capabilities.