Naning, 中国,52の投資は,新素材,緑化学,バイオバイオ生理学に焦点をあてている. Nanning, China, signs 52 investment deals focusing on new materials, green chemicals, and biomedicine.
Naning, Guanghi Zhuang A 自治圏において,52の投資協定が締結され,新素材,緑化学,バイオバイオ生理学などの分野の高度な発展を促進した. In Nanning, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, 52 investment agreements were signed to drive high-quality development across sectors like new materials, green chemicals, and biomedicine. 重要な協力には,広東・香港・マカオ大湾区などの主要国内地域が含まれています. Key collaborations involve major domestic regions such as the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. 中国・ASEAN産業公園は,総投資の80.9%を占める31のプロジェクトを惹きつけ,広西の戦略的な位置と改善されたビジネス環境によって支えられました. The China-ASEAN Industrial Park attracted 31 projects, comprising 80.9% of the total investment, bolstered by Guangxi's strategic location and improved business environment.