住宅建設業者のVistryは,遅延のため,利益の見積もりを£250Mに削減し,別の警告を発しました. Vistry, a UK housebuilder, issues another profit warning, cutting its estimate to £250M due to delays.
イギリスの住宅建設会社Vistryは3カ月間で3度目の利益警告を発表し,住宅完成と取引の遅れのために年間利益推定額を3億ポンドから2.5億ポンドに削減した. UK housebuilder Vistry announced its third profit warning in three months, reducing its annual profit estimate to £250 million from £300 million due to delays in home completions and deals. Visetryは、利益が上回るにもかかわらず、イギリスの住宅不足に引き続き対処するパートナーや計画からの強い需要を報告した。 Despite the profit hit, Vistry reported strong demand from partners and plans to continue addressing the UK's housing shortage. 会社の株式は,発表の直後に2年以下の低価格に下落した. The company's shares fell to a two-year low following the announcement.