17歳の少年は,ケンタッキーの麻薬取引で18歳の少年を撃った容疑で逮捕された. A 17-year-old was arrested for shooting an 18-year-old during a drug deal in Kentucky.
ケンタッキー州ブーン郡で麻薬取引で18歳の少年を射殺した17歳が逮捕された. A 17-year-old was arrested after shooting an 18-year-old during a drug deal in Boone County, Kentucky. 16歳の友達といた被害者は、命にかかわらない傷を負った. The victim, who was with a 16-year-old friend, sustained non-life-threatening injuries. ブーン郡保安官事務所で確認された容疑者は,その裏庭に埋められた銃と,マリファナその他の薬品と共に発見された. The suspect, identified by the Boone County Sheriff's Office, was found with the gun buried in his backyard, along with marijuana and other drug paraphernalia. 彼は第一級の暴行と未成年者による拳銃所持を含め,起訴に直面している. He faces charges including first-degree assault and possession of a handgun by a minor.