50歳のロビー・ウィリアムズは 未診断の学習障害による 過去の学問的困難を克服するために GCSEsを復習する予定です Robbie Williams, 50, plans to retake his GCSEs to overcome past academic struggles due to undiagnosed learning disabilities.
50歳のロビー・ウィリアムズは 診断されていない 難読症,難読症,ADHDのせいで 過去の学問的困難を克服するために GCSEsをやり直す計画です Robbie Williams, 50, plans to retake his GCSEs to overcome past academic struggles due to undiagnosed dyslexia, dyscalculia, and ADHD. その歌手は学校を去る資格がほとんどなく,"数人の誤認を証明したい"という. The Take That singer left school with few qualifications and wants to "prove a few people wrong." 彼の努力は彼の伝記映画『Better Man』が公開準備中ですが 彼の歌『Forbidden Road』は別の曲に似ているために オスカー賞の候補から除外されました His efforts come as his biopic, "Better Man," prepares for release, though his song "Forbidden Road" was disqualified from Oscar contention for resembling another tune.