カタールは,GCC統一囚人週を立ち上げ,元囚人の再就職と再統合を図る. Qatar launches GCC Unified Inmates Week to rehabilitate and reintegrate former prisoners.
カタール内務省がドーハで開いたGCC統一囚人週間は,以前に投獄された個人の社会への再教育と再統合に焦点を当てています. The GCC Unified Inmates Week 2024, launched in Doha by Qatar's Ministry of Interior, focuses on rehabilitating and reintegrating previously incarcerated individuals into society. このイベントには毎年GCC諸国で開催されるが,このイベントには娯楽活動,家族の日,元囚人の社交の促進を目指す展覧会などが含まれている. Held annually across GCC countries, the event includes recreational activities, a family day, and exhibitions aimed at promoting social acceptance and inclusion for former inmates.