インドとクウェートは対テロ協力の強化を約束し,戦略的連携を図る. India and Kuwait pledge to enhance counter-terrorism cooperation and form a strategic partnership.
ナレンドラ・モディ首相のクウェート訪問の際,両国は,対決活動を含め,あらゆる形でテロ行為を非難した共同声明を発表した. During Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to Kuwait, both countries issued a joint statement condemning terrorism in all forms, including cross-border activities. テロ対策の協調性 サイバーセキュリティ 諜報共有に合意しました テロ資金の破壊 テロ基盤の解体に They agreed to enhance cooperation in counter-terrorism operations, cybersecurity, and intelligence sharing to disrupt terror financing and dismantle terror infrastructure. また,国は,法の執行,反資金投資の努力,健康協力の連携を強化し,戦略的連携との相互関係を強化することを誓いました. The nations also pledged to strengthen ties in law enforcement, anti-money laundering efforts, and health cooperation, elevating their relationship to a strategic partnership.