IIT Roorkeeは,2025年度のGATE試験を30の試験論文で発表し,新しい科目を含めた. IIT Roorkee announces GATE 2025 exam dates with 30 test papers, including new subjects.
2025年2月1日閲覧. ^ GATE (GATE) 2025年2月1日,2月15日,16日に予定された試験紙は30枚で,毎日2回開催される. The Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) 2025, scheduled for February 1, 2, 15, and 16, will have 30 test papers and be conducted in two daily sessions. IIT Roorkeeは,新たな主題地理工学と海軍工学を含むスケジュールを公開した. IIT Roorkee released the schedule, which includes new subjects Geomatics Engineering and Naval Architecture. 1月には受験カードが入手でき,試験ではMCQ,MSQ,NATの質問が掲載される. Admit cards will be available in January, and the exam will feature MCQs, MSQs, and NAT questions. 試験は2件まで選択し,受験者登録カードを印刷して持参する必要があります. Candidates can choose up to two papers and must bring a printed admit card to the exam.