カス郡で2台の車が衝突 少年を含む3人が病院へ 運転手が降伏しなかった Two-vehicle crash in Cass County hospitalizes three, including a juvenile, after a driver failed to yield.
金曜の夜、ミシガン-インドとの国境付近のキャス郡で2発の衝突事故が3件の入院を招いた. A two-vehicle crash in Cass County near the Michigan-Indiana border on Friday evening resulted in three hospitalizations. この事件は22歳のドライバーが,M-40で北行きの車両にぶつかり,運航に屈しなかったことから生じた. The incident occurred when a 22-year-old driver failed to yield to oncoming traffic, hitting a northbound vehicle on M-40. 負傷した車両の運転手,39歳の男性,その乗客2人,少年を含めてブロンソン病院へ移送された. The driver of the struck vehicle, a 39-year-old man, and his two passengers, including a juvenile, were transported to Bronson Hospital. 22歳の運転士は現場で治療を受けた. The 22-year-old driver was treated at the scene. 当局 者 は アルコール や 麻薬 を 事故 の 要因 と し て 排除 し て き まし た。 Authorities have ruled out alcohol or drugs as factors in the crash.