インド当局はインディラ・ガンジーの憲法改正を批判しているが,議会議員はその長期的な影響を強調している. Indian officials criticize Indira Gandhi's constitutional amendment, but a congress MP highlights its lasting impacts.
インドのナレンドラ・モディ首相とその同僚は,インディラ・ガンジー氏の第42条の憲法改正を批判した. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his colleagues criticized Indira Gandhi's 42nd Amendment to the Constitution. しかし,Gamam Ramsh議員は,ガンジーと他の議員の議員らが後日,第44条の改正に賛成票を掲げ,第42条の規定をいくつか取り除いたことを指摘した. However, Congress MP Jairam Ramesh pointed out that Gandhi, along with other Congress MPs, later voted in favor of the 44th Amendment, which removed several provisions from the 42nd Amendment. ラメシュはまた,前項の"社会主義"及び"社会主義"を含む第42条の規定の多くは,ほぼ50年にわたる憲法の施行に欠かせないものであると指摘した. Ramesh also noted that many of the 42nd Amendment's provisions, including the terms "socialist" and "secular" in the Preamble, have remained integral to the Constitution for nearly 50 years.