中国のジュニア大統領はマカオのPLA軍を訪問し,防衛と"一国,二系"を強調した. Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Macao's PLA garrison, emphasizing defense and "one country, two systems."
中国国家主席の習近平は12月20日にマカオの解放軍駐所を視察した.この際,マカオが中国に返還25周年を迎えた. Chinese President Xi Jinping inspected the PLA garrison in Macao on December 20, following a celebration marking 25 years since Macao's return to China. また,共産党と中央軍事委員会を率いる新人は,軍隊に対し,防衛を強化し,"一国,二制度"を支持するよう求めた. Xi, who also leads the Communist Party and the Central Military Commission, urged troops to enhance defense and uphold "one country, two systems." 彼は,国益とマカオの安定を保全する要塞の役割を称賛した. He praised the garrison's role in safeguarding national interests and Macao's stability.