テキサス州ハリス郡の池で 男の遺体が発見された後― 当局は調査してる Authorities investigate after a man's body was found in a pond in Harris County, Texas.
テキサス州ハリス郡の当局は 木曜日の朝 アバロン・ビレッジの湖の池で 男の遺体が発見された後 調査中です Authorities in Harris County, Texas, are investigating after a man's body was found in a pond in the Lakes of Avalon Village neighborhood on Thursday morning. 死因も傷害の詳細も まだ不明です The exact cause of death and details about any injuries are not yet known. コンスタブル・マーク・ハーマン事務所の職員が現場に反応し,事件の捜査を開始しました. Officials from the Constable Mark Herman's Office responded to the scene and have begun an investigation into the incident.