Enerpac ツールグループは2025年度のQ1収益をわずかに逃したが,売上高の2.3%が145Mに上昇した. Enerpac Tool Group slightly missed Q1 2025 earnings but saw a 2.3% rise in sales to $145M.
Enerpac ツールグループはQ1 2025年度の収益見積りを逃し、予想された0.41ドルと比較して0.40 EPSを報告したが,ネット販売の2.3%が1億4500万ドルに上昇した. Enerpac Tool Group missed its Q1 2025 earnings estimate, reporting $0.40 EPS compared to the expected $0.41, but saw a 2.3% rise in net sales to $145 million. 会社の営業余白は21.24%で,純所得は2107万ドル,又は1株あたり0.40ドルだった. The company's operating margin was 21.4%, and net income was $21.7 million, or $0.40 per diluted share. GAAP EPSは年度22%増加した. GAAP EPS increased by 21% year-over-year. EnerpacもDTAの取得を完了し,統合が進行中であった. Enerpac also completed the acquisition of DTA, with integration in progress.