ジンバブエは,低炭素経済と炭素取引の推進のため,国民の炭素市場を打ち上げている. Zimbabwe launches national carbon market to promote low-carbon economy and carbon trading.
ジンバブエは,低炭素経済への移行を支え,炭素取引の地域的指導者としての地位を担う国家炭素市場の枠組みを明らかにした. Zimbabwe has unveiled a national carbon market framework to support its shift towards a low-carbon economy and position itself as a regional leader in carbon trading. COP29に発足し,再生可能エネルギーなどのプロジェクトから炭素クレジットの取引を許可する. Launched at COP29, the initiative allows for the trading of carbon credits from projects like afforestation and renewable energy. この枠組みは,規制に基づく登記を含むが,経済の成長と環境の持続性との均衡を図り,国際標準に従い,公的かつ民間部門の関与を促進することを目指している. The framework, which includes a blockchain-based registry, aims to balance economic growth with environmental sustainability, complying with international standards and encouraging both public and private sector involvement.