Reliance NU Suntechは,アジア最大級の太陽光発電とバッテリー貯蔵事業をインドで勝利. Reliance NU Suntech wins huge solar and battery storage project in India, one of Asia's largest.
Reliance NU Suntech (Relience NU Suntech)は,インドにおける太陽光発電とバッテリー貯蔵の主要な事業に勝利した. Reliance NU Suntech, a subsidiary of Reliance Power, has won a major solar and battery storage project in India. このプロジェクトには930 MW太陽光発電システムと465 MW電池の貯蔵システムを含むが,中国郊外のアジアにおいて最大級の配置の1つである. The project includes a 930 MW solar energy system and a 465 MW battery storage system, marking one of the largest such deployments in Asia outside of China. 同社はこの事業を25年間開発し運営し,その電力はインドの複数の流通企業に販売される. The company will develop and operate the project for 25 years, with the power being sold to multiple distribution companies in India.