サンアントニオのポーチで運転中に男性が脚を撃たれた。 警察の捜査だ。 Man shot in leg during drive-by shooting on front porch in San Antonio; police investigate.
39歳の男性が脚を撃たれ,サンアントニオのウエスト・ウッドローン通り付近の玄関で運転中に銃乱射して入院した. A 39-year-old man was shot in the leg and hospitalized after a drive-by shooting on his front porch near West Woodlawn Avenue in San Antonio. 事件は月曜日の午後10時前頃に起きた. 青いセダンが通り過ぎ, 彼に銃撃が数発された. The incident occurred just before 10 p.m. on Monday when a blue sedan drove by and several shots were fired at him. 警察は 容疑者の車を捜索中 Police are investigating and searching for the suspects' vehicle.