ジョシュア・ジャクソンは,母親の婚約者の死亡で自主殺人で8年を懲役した. Joshua Jackson sentenced to 8 years for voluntary manslaughter in his mother's fiancé's death.
セントルイスのジョシュア・D・ジャクソンは2022年1月に喧嘩中に殺された母親の婚約者,ジェフリー・クック (66) の死で,自発的な不注意殺人で8年の懲役刑を宣告されました. Joshua D. Jackson, 33, of St. Louis, was sentenced to eight years in prison for voluntary manslaughter in the death of his mother's fiancé, Jeffrey Cook, 66, who was killed during an argument in January 2022. ジャクソンは第一級殺人容疑に 直面したが 有罪判決を受け 検察官を率いて訴えを軽減し Jackson faced first-degree murder charges but entered a guilty plea, leading prosecutors to reduce the charge and dismiss four other felonies as part of a plea agreement.