インドのCPSEは株式市場のベンチマークを上回り,市場資本化は3年間で3.61倍上回る. Indian CPSEs outperform stock market benchmarks, with market capitalization up 3.61 times over three years.
インドの中央公共エンタープライズ (CPSE)は,過去3年間において,株式市場のベンチマークを著しく上回り,総市場資本化は3.61倍増加した. Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) in India have significantly outperformed stock market benchmarks over the past three years, with their total market capitalization increasing 3.61 times. BSE CPSE インデックスは 157.22%上昇し, NSE CPSE インデックスは 185.79%上昇し,インタックスとニッタイ50の成長率は38.88%,40.72%と比較した. The BSE CPSE Index rose by 157.22%, while the NSE CPSE Index climbed by 185.79%, compared to 38.68% and 40.72% growth in the Sensex and Nifty 50, respectively. 政府の戦略はCPSEの性能向上に重点を置くことであり,経営促進の促進と効率の向上を通じて,配当金の増額と資本支出の増加につながる. The government's strategy focuses on enhancing CPSE performance through better management incentives and efficient operations, leading to increased dividends and capital expenditure.