27歳のニューカッスルの男性が麻薬の供給と運転の不適格運転で逮捕されたが,複数の告発を受け,保釈もされない. A 27-year-old Newcastle man, arrested for drug supply and disqualified driving, faces multiple charges and no bail.
ニューカッスル出身の27歳の男性は,麻薬の供給や運転の不備がある間にも,麻薬の供給や運転の不備を複数の容疑で訴えられる. A 27-year-old man from Newcastle faces multiple charges including drug supply and driving while disqualified. 彼は12月14日に交通停止で逮捕され,違法薬物の疑いのある未知の物質,現金,電子機器が押収された. He was arrested by police on December 14 after a traffic stop, where an unknown substance believed to be a prohibited drug, cash, and electronic devices were seized. 禁断期間中の運転,麻薬の所持と供給,爆発物の所持,犯罪の収益を扱う罪で起訴され,彼は保釈を拒否され,12月15日にパラマッタ地方裁判所に出廷する予定です. Charged with driving during disqualification, possession and supply of drugs, possession of explosives, and dealing with proceeds of crime, he was denied bail and is set to appear in Parramatta Local Court on December 15.