ビクトリアのIBACは 外科医を調査 TACを過大評価 数十万ドルまで Victoria's IBAC investigates surgeons for overbilling TAC up to hundreds of thousands of dollars.
ビクトリアの反腐敗監視犬IBACは,ロイヤル・メルボルン病院の数人の外科医が,決して実施されなかった措置について,運輸事故委員会(TAC)に請求した旨の主張を調査している。 Victoria's anti-corruption watchdog, IBAC, is investigating allegations that several surgeons at the Royal Melbourne Hospital billed the Transport Accident Commission (TAC) for procedures that were never performed, potentially involving hundreds of thousands of dollars in overbilling. TAC大臣のダニー・ピアソンは 調査に気づいてないと主張した TAC Minister Danny Pearson claimed he was unaware of the investigation. TACは,請求違反は深刻化し,最近14件の詐欺事件により484,124件の賠償金が回収されたと発表した. The TAC has stated it takes billing irregularities seriously and recently recovered $484,124 in restitution payments from 14 fraud cases.