IMFはパキスタンのPIA税脱税者及び資本移転者を与え,国際飛行費を削減する. IMF grants Pakistan's PIA tax waivers and equity transfers, lowering international flight costs.
国際通貨基金 (IMF) は,パキスタン国際航空 (PIA) の国際便の連邦消費税 (FED) の免除を承認し,米国への便の料金を最大35万ルピー,アフリカと中東への旅行の料金を最大10万ルピーまで削減した. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has approved a waiver on Federal Excise Duty (FED) for Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) international flights, potentially reducing fares by up to Rs350,000 for flights to the US and Rs105,000 for trips to Africa and the Middle East. IMFはまた,新型航空機の購入につき18%の販売税を免除し,対外資本で460億円を減価償却会社に譲渡した. The IMF also exempted PIA from an 18% sales tax on new aircraft purchases and transferred Rs46 billion in negative equity to a holding company to lower costs. 政府は, 60%の株式を競うことを許可して,PIAを民営化する予定です. The government plans to privatize PIA by allowing bidders to compete for a 60% stake.