20年後の番組"Anupamaa"でのキャリアの成功を、ラジャ・シャイ師に感謝。 Actress Rupali Ganguly thanks mentor Rajan Shahi for career success with show "Anupamaa" after 20 years.
TV女優のRupari Gunuyは"Anupamaa"での彼女の役割で有名であるが,20年ぶりに賞を授与されなかったこの番組の成功に感謝を表明している. Television actress Rupali Ganguly, known for her role in "Anupamaa," has expressed gratitude for the show's success, which came after 20 years without awards. Instagramでは、賞のコレクションを披露し、彼女の長年のメンターであり協力者であったラジアン・シャイプロデューサーに感謝の意を表明し、彼女のキャリアに大きな影響を与えた。 On Instagram, she showcased a collection of awards and thanked producer Rajan Shahi, her longtime mentor and collaborator, for his significant impact on her career. ガンジュリーとシャヒは24年間一緒に仕事をし, "アヌパマ"は大きな突破を記録しました. Ganguly and Shahi have worked together for 24 years, with "Anupamaa" marking a major breakthrough.