十 代 の 若者 二 人 が 逮捕 さ れ , さらに 二 人 が サンアントニオ の 誘拐 事件 を 追及 し , 被害 者 は 軽い 傷 で 自由 に され まし た。 Two teens arrested, two more sought after San Antonio kidnapping; victim freed with minor injuries.
2人の少年が逮捕され 2人の容疑者はサンアントニオで 誘拐事件の後に 逃亡中です Two teenagers were arrested and two suspects are still at large following a kidnapping incident in San Antonio. 22歳の男性が誘拐され,両親は3000ドルの身代金要求で連絡を受けた. A 22-year-old man was abducted, and his parents were contacted with a $3,000 ransom demand. 警察は被害者の車を発見し ハイスピード追跡を開始した 容疑者が車を放棄した時 Police spotted the victim's car and initiated a high-speed chase, which ended when the suspects abandoned the vehicle. 当局は19歳の女性と18歳の男性を逮捕し,火器が回収された. Authorities apprehended a 19-year-old woman and an 18-year-old man, and a firearm was recovered. 犠牲者は 小傷で発見されました The victim was found with minor injuries. 残り容疑者の捜索が継続中 The investigation continues as the search for the remaining suspects is ongoing.