エコラボは第3四半期の予想を上回り 主要投資家による株の変更を見て,四半期配当0.65ドルを発表した. Ecolab beat Q3 earnings expectations, saw stake changes by major investors, and announced a $0.65 quarterly dividend.
ケンタッキー州教師の退職制度とストックヤード銀行&トラスト社は,Ecolab Inc.の持有量を削減し,ウィルミントン貯蓄基金協会FSBは,その持有量を大幅に増加しました. The Teachers Retirement System of Kentucky and Stock Yards Bank & Trust Co. reduced their holdings in Ecolab Inc., while Wilmington Savings Fund Society FSB significantly increased its stake. エコラボの第3四半期の収益は,0.0%の収益増加と1.83ドルのEPSで予想を上回りました. Ecolab's Q3 earnings beat expectations with a 1.0% revenue increase and EPS of $1.83. 会社はまた,四半期配当0.65ドルを発表した. The company also announced a quarterly dividend of $0.65. 分析者はEcolabの評価と価格目標を混同している.Ecolabの市場キャピタルは70.48億ドルで,配当利回りは1.04%である. Analysts have provided mixed ratings and price targets for Ecolab, which has a market cap of $70.48 billion and a dividend yield of 1.04%.