ポイント72 アセットマネジメントはヴィルタス・インベストメント・パートナーの株式を買い取り, 会社は年34.3%の配当を上げます. Point72 Asset Management buys Virtus Investment Partners shares, firm raises dividend by 34.3% annually.
Point72 Asset Managementは最近,Virtus Investment Partners (VRTX) の48万2000ドルの株を買い,他の機関投資家に加わり,その株を増やしました. Point72 Asset Management recently bought $482,000 worth of Virtus Investment Partners (VRTX) shares, joining other institutional investors increasing their stakes. 投資マネジャーであるVirtusも,四半期配当を2.25ドルで宣言し,配当を3年間で年間34.3%増やしました. Virtus, an investment manager, also declared a $2.25 quarterly dividend, raising its dividend by 34.3% annually over three years. 分析官は,一般に"保留"の勧告と,約244.25ドルの価格目標を掲げた混合評価をした. Analysts have given mixed ratings, with a general "Hold" recommendation and a price target of around $244.25.