インドのFIU-INNDは,未開収入で1億4300億ドルを検出し,資産や麻薬を押収し,2024年に逮捕につながる. India's FIU-IND detects $1.43 billion in undisclosed income and seizes assets, narcotics, and leads to arrests in 2024.
インド金融情報部(FIU-INND)は,未公開収入で約1億1000万円(約3300億円)を検出し,2024年度の犯罪収益でRS2763 ^ a b c "第2763". India's Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU-IND) has detected nearly Rs 11,000 crore ($1.43 billion) in undisclosed income and identified Rs 2,763 crore in criminal proceeds in 2024. 麻薬461kgの押収を促し,資金洗浄とテロ資金関連で184人の逮捕につながった. The agency also facilitated the seizure of 461 kg of narcotics and led to 184 arrests related to money laundering and terror financing. 加えて,Rs 983.4 crollの資産が添付され,Rs39.14 crollの罰金が課された. Additionally, assets worth Rs 983.4 crore were attached, and a penalty of Rs 39.14 crore was imposed. 資金援助ユニット・インディの取り組みにより,2024年4月から11月までの間に総額3.08億ルピーの 46.31%の返金増加が達成されました. The FIU-IND's efforts have also resulted in a 46.31% increase in refunds totaling Rs 3.08 lakh crore between April and November 2024.