インドは,主に農業と肥料のための44,143億ドルの追加支出を議会の承認を求めています. India seeks parliamentary approval for extra ₹44,143 crore spending, mainly for agriculture and fertilizers.
インド政府は,当該財政年度において,主として補助金を含む農業及び肥料部門のために,国会の承認を要請している. The Indian government has requested Parliament's approval for an additional expenditure of ₹44,143 crore in the current fiscal year, mainly for the agriculture and fertilizer sectors, including subsidies. 財政赤字目標の4.9%に 影響しないという保証が付与された 補助金の追加要求の第1弾で 要求された. 収入が増えると支出を相殺できるからです. This request comes through the first batch of Supplementary Demands for Grants, with assurances that it won't impact the fiscal deficit target of 4.9%, as higher receipts could offset the spending.