ダブリン警察は,全国活動の一環として,麻薬関連の脅迫で3人を逮捕した. Dublin police arrested three individuals for drug-related intimidation as part of a national operation.
ダブリン警察は,ダブリン北部における麻薬関連の脅迫に関連して,二人の女性と一人の男性を含めて3人を逮捕した. Dublin police have arrested three individuals, including two women and a man, in connection with drug-related intimidation in north Dublin. 20代と50代の容疑者は,フォーグラ作戦の一環として組織犯罪法で拘束された. The suspects, aged in their 20s and 50s, were taken into custody under organized crime laws as part of Operation Fógra. この作戦は,国家戦略の一部であるが,ダブリン地方における麻薬関連の脅迫による恐怖と損害を減らすことを目的としている. This operation, part of a national strategy, aims to reduce the fear and harm caused by drug-related intimidation in the Dublin area.