ウィスコンシン州は,児童施設の再入所社会における障害を持つ若者の支援に10mの助成金を支給する. Wisconsin gets $10M grant to help youth with disabilities in juvenile facilities reenter society.
ウィスコンシン州公共指導局は,更生施設における障害を持つ若者を社会に復帰させるため,100万ドルと5年にわたる連邦公益基金を受給した. The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction has received a $10 million, five-year federal grant to help youth with disabilities in correctional facilities reintegrate into society. ヴィスコンシン州で初めて実施される この機関間での取り組みは 再犯率を減らすために 教育と職業支援を提供します This cross-agency effort, the first of its kind in Wisconsin, will provide educational and vocational support to reduce reoffending rates. 助成金は,800以上の申請者のうちわずか27人のうち1人である. ^ a b c d e f g h i "訓練,コーチ,指導プログラムの資金調達". The grant, one of only 27 awarded from over 800 applications, will fund training, coaching, and mentorship programs.