カラチは二日間の厳格な公共の集会禁止を実施する。 Karachi implements strict public gathering bans for two days amid order concerns post-arrests.
カラチ中央地区は,二日間の区分144の制限により,四人以上の集会及びペニオン乗車を禁止した. Karachi's Central district has been placed under Section 144 restrictions for two days, banning gatherings of more than four people and pillion riding. この旨は,公衆の秩序を乱す可能性があるという懸念のため、カラチ警察の追加監査官から要請を受けた. This was requested by the additional inspector general of Karachi Police due to concerns over potential disruptions to public order. この制限は、反国家演説で起訴されるアルタフ・フセインが率いる政党の逮捕を含め,最近の逮捕に伴うものである. The restrictions follow recent arrests, including those of a party led by Altaf Hussain, who is facing charges for anti-state speeches.