ガーナの警察は,テパでの窃盗容疑で,集会員2名を含めて3人の容疑者を捜索している. Ghana police seek three suspects, including two assembly members, for theft in Tepa.
ガーナ警察は,アサンティ地方テパの私設倉庫とラジオ局に侵入し,当該地方集会員を含んだ3人の容疑者を捜索している. The Ghana Police Service is searching for three suspects, including two local assembly members, for breaking into a private warehouse and a radio station in Tepa, Ashanti Region. 容疑者はアキポ,ジョージ,ムエデ氏,農具,肥料,ブーツを盗みました. The suspects, Akakpo, George, and Mujeed, allegedly stole agricultural equipment, fertilizers, and boots. 警察は,捜査と容疑者逮捕の支援を,公衆に対し勧告している. Police are urging the public to help with their investigation and the capture of the suspects.