汚職事件でマニシュ・シソディアの保釈条件を緩和する控訴を最高裁判所で審理する. Supreme Court to hear plea to relax bail conditions for Manish Sisodia in corruption cases.
最高裁は12月11日にマニシュ・シソディアの訴えを審理し, 汚職と洗浄資金事件に関する保釈条件を緩和する. The Supreme Court will hear Manish Sisodia's plea on December 11 to relax his bail conditions related to corruption and money laundering cases involving Delhi's excise policy. 現在調査官に週2回報告するよう要求されているSsodiaは,8月の保釈以来,60回も登場した. Sisodia, currently required to report to the investigating officer twice a week, has appeared 60 times since his bail in August. 弁護士のアブシェク・シンビは,これらの条件の緩和を主張した. His lawyer, Abhishek Singhvi, has argued for the relaxation of these conditions.