パキスタンではハッジの申請が 7万2000件以上で 支払いが決まり コーランコンテストが発表されました Pakistan receives over 72,000 Hajj applications as deadline passes, with payments and a Quranic competition announced.
パキスタンの宗教省は 7万2000件以上のハッジ申請を 受け取った. The Ministry of Religious Affairs in Pakistan has received over 72,000 Hajj applications with the deadline on Tuesday. 申請者は親族のグループに参加できる. 初期支払いは20万ルピーで, 投票後10日以内に支払われるのは40万ルピー. Applicants can join relatives' groups, and an initial payment of 200,000 rupees is required, with a second installment of 400,000 rupees due within 10 days after the balloting. 最終支払は2月10日までに予定される. The final payment is due by February 10th. 加えて,同省は第40回全国ヒフツとキラト競馬を発表し,パキスタン各地から参加者を招待し,勝者が国際的に国を代表するよう設定した. Additionally, the ministry announced the 40th Annual National Hifz and Qirat Competition, inviting participants from across Pakistan, with winners set to represent the country internationally.