ニュージーランドの2023回の国勢調査は,マホリ族と太平洋民族の精密性が向上し,記録に近い範囲を達成した. New Zealand's 2023 Census achieves near-record coverage, improving accuracy for Māori and Pacific peoples.
ニュージーランドの2023年の国勢調査は,人口の99%近くを超え,記録的高値で98.9%を達成. New Zealand's 2023 Census achieved a record-high coverage rate of 98.9%, counting nearly 99% of the population. 総回答率は87.6%であったが,過去年から減少したものの,人口調査は正確性が向上した.特にマオリと太平洋地域の住民の回答数は2018年の水準から大幅に減少した. Despite an overall response rate of 87.6%, down from previous years, the census saw improved accuracy, particularly for Māori and Pacific peoples, with their undercounts significantly decreasing from 2018 levels. 統計調査後の調査によると,毛利族とアジア系民族の割合はそれぞれ1.6%と2.2%で,純的な不足が1.1%であった. The Post-enumeration Survey revealed a net undercount of 1.1%, with Māori and Asian ethnicities experiencing higher undercounts at 1.6% and 2.2% respectively.