MSquareテクノロジーズのIO De ML100チップは,そのエネルギー効率とAIの能力を称賛して『今年のベストIP』を獲得した. MSquare Technology’s IO Die ML100 chip won "Best IP of the Year," praised for its energy efficiency and AI capabilities.
MSquare IT's IO De ML100は,EE Associations 2024年,EE American 2024年において"Best IP"賞を受賞. エネルギー効率と最適化,AI,クラウドコンピューティング,高性能コンピューティングの優れた成果を強調した. MSquare Technology's IO Die ML100 won the "Best IP of the Year" award at the EE Awards Asia 2024, highlighting its excellence in energy efficiency and optimization for AI, cloud computing, and high-performance computing. 一万人以上のエンジニアが選任した賞は,MSquareの指導力を半導体革新で強調する. The award, selected by over 10,000 engineers, underscores MSquare's leadership in semiconductor innovation. 会社は,半導体産業における最先端の技術の進歩を目指す. The company aims to continue advancing cutting-edge technologies in the semiconductor industry.