25歳の男が殺人で起訴された カンガルー・フラット・モーテルで致死傷 A 25-year-old man was charged with murder after a fatal stabbing in a Kangaroo Flat motel.
カンカルー・フラット出身の25歳の男性は,町のモーテルで刺殺事件が発生したため,殺人で起訴された. A 25-year-old man from Kangaroo Flat was charged with murder after a fatal stabbing incident at a motel in the town. この議論は土曜の午後10時30分ごろに起こり,初回答者による努力にもかかわらず,49歳の地元人男性が死亡した. The altercation occurred around 10:30 pm on Saturday, resulting in the death of a 49-year-old local man despite efforts by first responders. この容疑者は事件直後に逮捕され,ベディディゴ・マグリティー裁判所に出頭する予定である. The suspect was arrested shortly after the incident and is set to appear in Bendigo Magistrates' Court. 殺人課は捜査中です 当局は証人からの情報や映像を 求めています The Homicide Squad is investigating, and authorities are seeking any information or footage from witnesses.