タンナード州は 学校の急増の教員数に対処し 職の空きを埋めるために 3,000人の教員を雇います Tamil Nadu hires 3,000 teachers to address school enrollment surge and fill vacancies.
タミール・ナドゥの学校教育大臣は,前政権が残した空き地を充填するため,政府学校の新教師3000人を雇用すると発表した. Tamil Nadu's School Education Minister announced the hiring of 3,000 new teachers for government schools to fill vacancies left by the previous government. このような動きは,これらの学校の入校が教育やインフラの改善により増加したことにより生じた. This move comes as enrollment in these schools has increased due to improved education and infrastructure. しかし,民間の学校との入試や競争に伴う課題は残るが,政府はその対策に取り組んでいる. However, challenges in recruitment and competition with private schools remain, which the government is working to address.