ラファエル・エスピノザは,目傷のため6ラウンドでロビーシー・ラミレスが辞退したため,WBOフェダー級のタイトルを維持した. Rafael Espinoza retained his WBO featherweight title as Robeisy Ramirez quit in the sixth round due to eye injuries.
WBOフェザー級のリマッチで,ラファエル・エスピノザは目傷のため6ラウンドでロビーシー・ラミレスが退場したときにタイトルを保持した. In a WBO featherweight title rematch, Rafael Espinoza retained his title when Robeisy Ramirez quit in the sixth round due to eye injuries. ラミレスは肘の打撃で 双眼を患ったと主張し 右目では見えない状態になった Ramirez claimed an elbow strike caused double vision and made it impossible for him to see out of his right eye. ラミレスは試合の初期にリードしていたが,健康のために試合を中止することを決めた.エスピノザは対戦相手の推論に疑問を投げかけ,試合が彼の有利に転じることを示唆した. Despite Ramirez leading early in the match, he decided to stop for his health, while Espinoza questioned his opponent's reasoning, suggesting the fight was turning in his favor.