15歳のバレーボール選手が倒れ、救急車が彼女の救助に到着できなかったため、死亡した。 A 15-year-old volleyball player collapsed and died after an ambulance failed to arrive at her aid.
カレッジパークのトレーシー・ワイアリー・リプレイメントで,15歳のバレーボール選手が,スタッフや非常時のレスポンの支援を受けながらすぐに死亡. A 15-year-old volleyball player collapsed during warm-ups at College Park's Tracey Wyatt Recreation Complex and later died despite immediate assistance from staff and emergency responders. 救急車が呼ばれても到着せず 少女の母親は彼女を病院に連れて行きましたが 心臓発作を起こして死亡しました An ambulance was requested but never arrived, leading the teen’s mother to take her to the hospital, where she suffered cardiac failure and died. 大学公園職員は救急車の反応不全を調査しており,検死で死因を究明する予定である. College Park officials are investigating the ambulance's failure to respond, and an autopsy is planned to determine the cause of death.