ケンタッキー州知事は,医薬大麻の申請者の名前を最初に控えたとして批判に直面した. Kentucky's governor faced criticism for initially withholding names of medical marijuana applicants.
ケンタッキー州知事アンディ・ベッズライナーは当初,医薬大麻薬局免許の申請者の名前の公表を拒んだが,優勝者はすでに発表されていた. Governor Andy Beshear's administration in Kentucky initially refused to release the names of applicants for medical marijuana dispensary licenses, even though winners were already announced. 厚生労働省及び医薬品局は,その記録は予備のもので,開示の免除を受けたと主張している. The Cabinet for Health and Family Services and the Office of Medical Cannabis claimed the records were preliminary and exempt from disclosure. 批評家らは,国外企業が初の宝くじを支配し,公平性への不安が高まったと主張する. Critics argue that out-of-state companies dominated the first lottery, raising concerns about fairness. メディアの圧力の後,行政機関は,申請者名簿を改訂した. After media pressure, the administration provided a redacted list of applicants.