警察はテキサスのアパートで 殺人の可能性を調べ 2人が銃創で死亡 Police investigate possible murder-suicide in Texas apartment; two found dead from gunshot wounds.
テキサス州植民地の警察は 殺人容疑で捜査中です アパートの銃創から男性と女性を発見 Police in The Colony, Texas, are investigating a possible murder-suicide after finding a man and woman dead from gunshot wounds in an apartment. この事件は,雇用主が数日社員に連絡が取れなかったため,福祉検査で発見された. The incident was discovered during a welfare check after an employer couldn't reach an employee for several days. 犯人の傷は自傷で,当局は名前を公表していない. The man's wound appears to be self-inflicted, and authorities have not released their names. 公民に対する脅威は継続してありません。 There is no ongoing threat to the public.