ナイジェリアのタヌブ大統領は,主たる教育開発機関に新たな指導者を任命する. Nigerian President Tinubu appoints new leaders for key educational and development organizations.
ボラ・タヌブ大統領は,国民連合委員会,ナイジェリア教育研究開発審議会,アフリカ開発新パートナーシップ,アフリカ開発基金/PAGMIなど、ナイジェリアのいくつかの団体に新たな指導者を任命した. President Bola Tinubu has appointed new leaders for several Nigerian organizations, including the National Universities Commission, Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council, New Partnership for Africa Development, and Solid Minerals Development Fund/PAGMI. 著名な任命者は,NUCの事務局長としてAbdullahi Yusuf Ribadu教授,NERDCの事務局長としてSalisu Shehu教授,NEPADの全国コーディネーターとしてJabiru Salisu Abdullahi Tsauri,SMDF / PAGMIの事務局長としてYazid Shehu Umar Danfulaniである. Notable appointees are Prof. Abdullahi Yusuf Ribadu as the NUC's Executive Secretary, Prof. Salisu Shehu as NERDC's Executive Secretary, Jabiru Salisu Abdullahi Tsauri as NEPAD's National Coordinator, and Yazid Shehu Umar Danfulani as the SMDF/PAGMI's Executive Secretary. Tinubuは,これらの任命によってこれらの機関への貢献と進捗が生ずると信じている. Tinubu believes these appointments will bring commitment and progress to these institutions.