ヘッジファンドと機関は,金持を高額化し,イシャレス・ゴールド信託に参与率を約60パーセントに増した. Hedge funds and institutions boosted their gold holdings, increasing their share in iShares Gold Trust to nearly 60%.
IHT 財務管理LLC,その他いくつかのヘッジファンドは,第三四半期におけるイシャレス・ゴールド信託(IAU)の占有率を大幅に31.9%増し,現在は組織投資家が59.67%の株を保有している. IHT Wealth Management LLC and several other hedge funds increased their holdings in iShares Gold Trust (IAU) by up to 31.9% in the third quarter, with institutional investors now owning 59.67% of the stock. Quadrate Cast LtdもIshares ゴールド信託マイクロ (IAUM)に投資し,435,344株を購入した. Quadrature Capital Ltd also invested in the iShares Gold Trust Micro (IAUM), buying 435,344 shares. ISAU株式は木曜に50.04ドルでオープンし,1年度の高額5.2.69ドル,37.40ドルの低額となった. The IAU stock opened at $50.04 on Thursday, with a 1-year high of $52.69 and a low of $37.40.