CaleresはQ3の収益と収益を期待より下回ると報告し,16%の株が下落した. Caleres reports Q3 earnings and revenue below expectations, leading to a 16% stock drop.
Caleresは,予想より低い Q3 の収益と収益を報告し,分析者の予測をそれぞれ 0.15 ドルと 10.45 万ドルで落とした. Caleres, a footwear company, reported lower-than-expected Q3 earnings and revenue, missing analyst projections by $0.15 and $10.45 million respectively. 会社はFY24収益率のガイドラインを1株あたり3.45-5ドル下げ,前項の予測から減少し,需要が減少し,商品の受領率が遅れている. The company lowered its FY24 earnings guidance to $3.45-$3.55 per share, down from previous forecasts, citing weaker demand and late product receipts. 株式の評価はアナリストによって格下げされ,同社の株式は市場前16%に下落し,取引は27.98ドルに上る. Stock ratings were downgraded by analysts, and the company’s stock fell 16% pre-market, trading at $27.98. 金融の衰退にもかかわらず,いくつかのヘッジファンドは カレレスの株を増やしました. Despite the financial downturn, some hedge funds increased their stakes in Caleres.