ロバート・パーマーの最初のライブアルバムを含む3枚のアルバムが 2月14日にヴィニールでデビューする. Three Robert Palmer albums, including his first live album, will debut on vinyl February 14.
故ロベルト・パーマーによる3つのアルバム - アポロのリベッジ"Drive"と"Rythm&Blus"は2月14日に初めて電子版に公開される. Three albums by late musician Robert Palmer—"Live at the Apollo," "Drive," and "Rhythm & Blues"—will be released on vinyl for the first time on February 14. アルバムもCDやデジタルで再掲載される. The albums will also be reissued on CD and digitally. 1999年の13枚目のスタジオ・アルバム『Rhythm & Blues』と2003年の14枚目のアルバム『Drive』に,2001年の最初の完全なライブ・アルバム『Live at the Apollo』が加わり,『Addicted to Love』や『Simply Irresistible』のようなヒット曲が収録されている. "Rhythm & Blues," his 13th studio album from 1999, and "Drive," his 14th and final studio album from 2003, will be joined by "Live at the Apollo," his first complete live album from 2001, featuring hits like "Addicted to Love" and "Simply Irresistible."