パキスタンはIMFプログラムの目標を満たそうと奮闘し,融資の確保に厳格な措置を講じている. Pakistan struggles to meet IMF program targets, implements strict measures to secure loan.
パキスタン政府は,税収及び教育及び健康に関する支出を含め,IMFプログラムにより,いくつかの主要目標に欠落している. Pakistan's government has fallen short on several key targets under its IMF program, including tax revenue and spending on education and health. これらの困難にかかわらず,政府は,公務員の義務的資産開示等の厳格な措置を講じており,11億ドルのIMF貸付金の確保を図っている. Despite these challenges, the government is implementing strict measures, such as mandatory asset disclosures by civil servants, to secure a $1.1 billion IMF loan tranche. IMFは,財政的目標及びエネルギー及び税の改革を含む39の条件を定めたが,なお数人のベンチマークが保留中である. The IMF has set 39 conditions, including fiscal targets and reforms in energy and taxation, with several benchmarks still pending. 財務大臣のムハンマド・アウランゲスブは,緊急改革の必要性を強調し,世界銀行との10年間の連携で経済安定と成長を図るための計画を強調した. Finance Minister Muhammad Aurangzeb emphasized the need for urgent reforms and highlighted plans for a 10-year partnership with the World Bank to address economic stability and growth.