オントリオ州年金基金はリライアンス株を96.6%近く削減し,UMB銀行のような他の基金は保有額を増やした. Ontario pension fund cut its Reliance stake by nearly 96.6%, while others like UMB Bank increased holdings.
Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan Trust Fundはリライアンス株式会社の株を96.6%減にして404株に減らし,UMB Bankのような他の投資家は保有額を増加させた. Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan Trust Fund significantly reduced its stake in Reliance, Inc. by 96.6% to 404 shares, while other investors like UMB Bank increased their holdings. リライアンス社は,小幅な見積もりを欠いた3.64ドルのQ3EPSを報告し,1.10ドルの四半期配当を発表しました. Reliance reported a Q3 EPS of $3.64, slightly missing estimates, and announced a $1.10 quarterly dividend. 株式は319.70ドルで取引されているが,市場資本は170億ドルである. The stock, trading at $319.70, has a market cap of $17.30 billion. 機関投資家は会社の株式の79.26%を所有しています. Institutional investors own 79.26% of the company's stock.