米国ミズーリ州の調査では,ローソン事件で男性と子供が非警察の銃乱射で死亡したことがわかった. Missouri investigation finds man and child died from non-police gunfire in Lawson incident.
ミズーリ州高速道路警備隊は ミズーリ州ローソンで発見された 男と子供が 警察の銃撃で殺されたわけではないと結論付けました The Missouri State Highway Patrol has concluded that a man and a child found dead in Lawson, Missouri, were not killed by police gunfire. 11月に起きた事件では,容疑者のブレット・ヤガーが副保安官を負傷させたという国内騒動に,警察官が反応した. In the November incident, officers responded to a domestic disturbance where the suspect, Brett Yager, fired at them, injuring a deputy. ヤーガーと三歳児は後に死亡し,ヤガーは自傷的銃創で死亡,子どもの死は法執行機関が発火しなかった銃砲で死亡した. Yager and a 3-year-old child were later found dead; Yager died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound, and the child's death was from a gunshot not fired by law enforcement. 関係者に対する起訴は予定されていない. No charges are expected against the officers involved.