ナイジェリアの連合銀行は,新たな議長及び7人の取締役員を任命し,指導の強化を図る. Union Bank of Nigeria appoints new chairman and seven board members to enhance leadership.
ナイジェリアの連合銀行は,ベイロ・アデーレクを新取締役に任命し,新たな役員を7人追加した. Union Bank of Nigeria has appointed Bayo Adeleke as its new Board Chairman and added seven new board members. 取締役2名と非執行役5名を含む新チームには,銀行と金融サービスにおける豊富な経験があります. The new team, including two Executive Directors and five Non-Executive Directors, brings extensive experience in banking and financial services. 経営責任者Yetunde Oniは,銀行のリーダーシップを強化し,戦略的目標を達成するための一歩として,任命を強調しました. Managing Director Yetunde Oni highlighted the appointments as a step towards strengthening the bank's leadership and achieving strategic goals.